Monthly Archives: March 2016

Falconzord – Power Rangers Legacy

Almost two weeks ago I wrote a not-so-happy post about Toys R Us.  Basically saying that their website does not live up to what we should expect from web sites today.  Basically, the Falconzord went on sale, and as I was never able to find it in the store, I would try online.  They would not let me order the figure online because they were trying to get people to pick it up in the store.  There was not a store within 50 miles that actually had it in stock, so I was stuck.  Well, I went as far as to write to them on a survey and explain where the website was lacking.   Checking back a day later, the button had been turned off to pick it up in store.  I don’t know if it was a coincidence of the computer catching up to the stock, or if someone is actually reading the surveys, but things improved drastically from there, and I have to hand it to Toys R Us for a good job from there.   There was a popup that said the item was out of stock, but they would send me an e-mail when it became available.  I was not totally trusting of the e-mail system, so I kept checking back in.   $20 off is $20 saved, so I really didn’t want to miss out.  Checking first thing in the morning, two days later, the Falconzord became available.  I was able to buy it for the discounted price, and it was delivered 5 days later with free shipping, since it was over $19.  For me, I was able to get yet another piece of Power Rangers history reborn better than the first, and for Toys R Us, they will be getting more money, since Falconzord will have to attach to something… and I am guessing it is going to be really expensive.  So, though I don’t think Toys R Us necessarily runs the tightest ship around, I am only a little miffed, since I have this beautiful Falconzord on my shelf and now for your pleasure, here is the review:


The Falconzord is a thing to behold straight out of the box. It is so crisply molded, with perfect lines. The paints have been so finely detailed.

This figure probably has more articulation than the original model used in the show. It has two different joints in the wings to allow flight display. It has head movement, as well as a beak that opens. No side to side motion for the head, but that would have been a lot to ask for.

The legs have a lot of motion, as well as the gold parts being made of metal. That really helps with the standing, since the heavy parts are on the ground. The feet have a really good grip with movement in both the front and back talons. The legs move at the hips as well, to allow for great posing.

The Falconzord is expensive at $79.99. I was able to get it for $59.99 with a sale from Toys R Us. It is still expensive for one Zord that doesn’t do much on its own. You can buy the center body parts of Dino Charge Megazord for $24.99, and those attach to most everything out right now. Is Falconzord worth three times as much? The simple answer is yes… if you are a fan of Power Rangers, and more specifically the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. The detailing and heft of this figure is outstanding, and the other Zords don’t stand up to what is coming out in the Legacy Collection.

He is thin, since he is a bird, but he is wide. He has a wingspan that covers the area of both Megazord and Tigerzord, when they are standing side by side. That is a lot of area that it covers.

He is pretty tall too. When standing upright in his firing position, he is nearly waist high on Megazord.

If you are looking to get him for a deal, he is still $20 off at Toys R Us online, and you can buy him online and have him shipped to your home.

Wonder Woman – DC Super Hero Girls

Personally I think it is funny to call her Wonder Woman, when he is supposed to be a “girl.”

Anyway, I digress from the reason I am writing this today. She is a fantastic doll. She shares many similarities with Batgirl, who I looked at last week, but she is unique enough that you don’t feel like you are buying the same doll with a different head.

Her skin color is a bit darker than Batgirl’s, but that is to be expected, since Batgirl hangs out in the night, and is red haired, which would lend itself to fairer skin.

Unlike the action figure I looked at last week with purple hair, this version of Wonder Woman is much better to the correct color. They even gave her some blue highlights, which is similar to the show, but in the show there is a bit more of a purple color to it, but the blue is a bit of a nod to the original comics that colored black hair with blue highlights.

She comes with her standard outfit she wears around school. It is easy to see how they could go about making a few different versions of WW, including one where she is in her armor. That would be pretty neat to see. Overall the outfit is spot on. Her shirt sleeves are short enough that they show off her strong arms. Her pants are pretty tight, and show that this is a muscular woman, and not some skinny Barbie doll under there.

Her accessories are a lot of gold. Gold shoulder armor that has a bit of trouble staying in place when playing with her. She has a belt that has a clip for her Lasso of Truth. I don’t know why they made her lasso with a clip to attach to her belt, but also left it out like she is using it. It does not look good on her belt when it is not coiled up. I think I might have to see about getting something to make a more realistic and functioning lasso.

In all, this is another great figure in the DC Super Hero Girls line. I think people are going to be quite fond of these dolls as they get them out of the packaging. They are self-standing, so you don’t have to worry about Monster High type stands. They are a sturdy toy that will last a long time, or adorn the shelves of collectors and show watchers.


PS Happy 6th Anniversary to being on WordPress.  It has been a fast 6 years. So much has happened.   I am looking forward to continuing on.

Deluxe Black T-Rex and Spino Zords

Black T-Rex and Spino Zords came out together, and they are based on the same body, so I thought it would be best to review them together.

The black version of the T-Rex is great looking in black and gold. It looks like we are getting a run of this color through all of the figures released in the Legacy line, and this one is just happening to come during the run of the line.

The Black T-Rex uses the same body and head as the Red Rexy. There is a variation on the tail which is short and stubby. The black T-Rex also comes with the missile launcher backpack that comes with the Spino Zord.  I doubt we will be seeing him like this in the show, but you never know what they could pull out of their sleeves.

Of course, the only reason most would want the black T-Rex would be to make the all black Dino Charge Megazord. And you are in luck. You can now make it, since there was an exclusive color release of Dino Charge Megazord with Rexy in green, but the Stego and Tricera come in the black. It is all a scheme to get you to buy a few extra parts, but it works fine for me. I like the green version as an homage to an earlier show, as well as being able to now make a full black and full green version of Dino Charge Megazord. If we can get a pink Rexy, we will have colors for the whole team with a main Zord.

Spino Zord is a Zord a lot of people were waiting for. Some really don’t like the backpack with missile launcher. I think it is fine.

He also comes with the stubby tail. I can’t figure out the stubby tail, since it looks like it had the long tail in the Japanese version of the show, and had the long tail in the Japanese version of the toy.

The tail can be used as a missile launcher or a gun on Spino’s shoulder. The backpack becomes a handheld gun.

We are getting quite a collection of Megazords now.   Everyone can be formed into a Zord of some sort with lots of combinations.  I will definitely stick with standard Dino Charge Megazord, and Black Dino Charge Megazord.  But the rest will probably change around a lot as I see fit.  I need one more variant color for a Zord to make an all-blue Spino Megazord, and then I need the variant Red Raptor Zord and one more variant colored Zord to make an all-red Zord.  There is still a whole season of Dino Super Charge to go, so we may yet be able to build more full single colors of Zords beyond Black and Green.

Rexy can’t have all of the fun.  Spino can be used to make the Plesio Charge Megazord: Pachy-Spino Formation too.  Not my favorite combination, but there are a lot of fun things you can do with the Zord builder.


Chop Shop – Legends Class – Combiner Wars

Chop Shop is another Legends Class figure in the Combiner Wars line, within the Generations line, within the Transformers franchise. Wanted to see if you could keep up with all of that.  Overall, he is a great looking figure. They updated his original brown to more of a burnt red color, which looks a lot better than brown.

He is a really good size as a Legends scale figure. I like it when Hasbro actually makes the Legends figures in the scale they belong in. No more of Optimus or Megatrons in that little scale. We should be getting figures in three scales, and there should be thought as to which scale they work best in.

Originally out in 1985 with other Insecticons, he didn’t make a reappearance until 2013, when he was a tiny version that another Legends version of Megatron carried around with him, and pretended Chop Shop made a good gun.

Chop Shop is a natural figure they would want to make. He is a retool of Skrapnel from the earlier Generations line, and a bit of new paint, and a new head makes for an easy issue of this figure.  When most think of the Insecticons, they think of the black, purple and yellow guys. But there were other guys too. Chop Shop is one example. Hopefully we will see some more created in this great scale.

Mr. Incredible – Thinkway Toys

It has been a long time since I bought a Thinkway Toys toy. Mr. Incredible went on sale a month or so ago, and made it a reasonable price to pick him up and see if he is any good.

He is a one-off figure in the Disney/Pixar line of figures. I looked at Wall-E a very long time ago, and I really liked it. Since then, I was waiting for Bruce, from Finding Nemo. After years of waiting, he popped up in stores, and he was very small and I was unimpressed. But since this one was on sale, I went for it.

Well, Mr. Incredible is okay, to say to most. He is as top heavy as you would think, with that giant torso. and fairly small legs.

He comes with the claw from the giant robot that Syndrome let loose on the city. it has moving fingers that are really well articulated. The hand also has a pair of clamps to allow Mr. Incredible to wear it as usable tech.

Of course in the movie, it attacked him, then he turned it back on the main robot with help from his family.

This is a nice figure, and one that looks good with other 6 inch figures. Being a one-off figure, there is not a lot you can do with him, but display him with other Disney stuff. Unless you want him to fight some other 6 inch figures. Versus Superman perhaps? I think it was a good deal at $10 off the original price, but he is awfully expensive at $18.99. And he has been warming the pegs since mid-2014. Time to cut bait on this one and move on. I don’t understand what Disney has done to get Target and Toys R Us to keep these things in stock for so long. They take up some pretty good real estate, unless it is all a placeholder for something better in the future. Seems there have been a lot of Disney and Pixar films that could have had toys in those spots. I am definitely keeping my hopes up for some good figures when Incredibles 2 finally comes out, but that is not until 2019, so we have a ways to go until that one.