Tag Archives: Thinkway Toys

Mr. Incredible – Thinkway Toys

It has been a long time since I bought a Thinkway Toys toy. Mr. Incredible went on sale a month or so ago, and made it a reasonable price to pick him up and see if he is any good.

He is a one-off figure in the Disney/Pixar line of figures. I looked at Wall-E a very long time ago, and I really liked it. Since then, I was waiting for Bruce, from Finding Nemo. After years of waiting, he popped up in stores, and he was very small and I was unimpressed. But since this one was on sale, I went for it.

Well, Mr. Incredible is okay, to say to most. He is as top heavy as you would think, with that giant torso. and fairly small legs.

He comes with the claw from the giant robot that Syndrome let loose on the city. it has moving fingers that are really well articulated. The hand also has a pair of clamps to allow Mr. Incredible to wear it as usable tech.

Of course in the movie, it attacked him, then he turned it back on the main robot with help from his family.

This is a nice figure, and one that looks good with other 6 inch figures. Being a one-off figure, there is not a lot you can do with him, but display him with other Disney stuff. Unless you want him to fight some other 6 inch figures. Versus Superman perhaps? I think it was a good deal at $10 off the original price, but he is awfully expensive at $18.99. And he has been warming the pegs since mid-2014. Time to cut bait on this one and move on. I don’t understand what Disney has done to get Target and Toys R Us to keep these things in stock for so long. They take up some pretty good real estate, unless it is all a placeholder for something better in the future. Seems there have been a lot of Disney and Pixar films that could have had toys in those spots. I am definitely keeping my hopes up for some good figures when Incredibles 2 finally comes out, but that is not until 2019, so we have a ways to go until that one.

Wall-E by Thinkway Toys

There are new toys that have come out by Thinkway Toys. I had to grab Wall-E to start, as he is one guy I always like, but never got around to getting one of the figures.

There are a few sized to these figures. This is one the larger size format figures. He is very posable, with movements at the shoulders, wrists, and opening hands. His arms can also be moved to extra holes at the front edge of his body, down low.

He has movement in his neck, and his eyes can be posed. He can also roll on very nice wheels mounted down low.

He comes with two blocks that fit inside his body, and can be ejected. You can also put play dough in there and eject any color cube you want.

Grabbing this guy was a bit of a gamble.  I have never heard of Thinkway toys, so I didn’t know what to expect.  It is a Disney product, so I was thinking it was fairly safe to go with it.  He turned out to be very nice.  There is a smaller version I saw where he is rusted like he is in the movie. I bought this one at a local Toys R Us.  I haven’t seen any of these figures anywhere else yet, but I am sure they will be popping up sooner or later.  There are some great Pixar products in the lineup.  Finding Nemo and The Incredibles to name two.  Definitely a fun toy, and a great addition to my Disney collection.