Monthly Archives: November 2015

Dimension X Space Battler Raphael – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Yeesh! I sure am glad I only grabbed one of these Dimension X figures. They are seriously weak! I decided to grab Raph. I am not sure what made me choose him over Leonardo, since he is usually my go-to trial figure.

These figures come with space gear, clearly for going into Dimension X. They are a standard figure with a new belt, and space gear (helmet, arm bands, hand things, and leg do-dads). They also come with futuristic weapons… or their same weapons with a tech flair to them.

The main problem lies in the execution of the Space Gear. Of course that is all there is to the gimmick of these figures, so that is pretty bad. The accessories are very bulky, and make the figure stand weird. The real problem is with the helmet. It just doesn’t fit. It seems like they used a body mold that is just too small to fit. In the pre-production photos, the heads are centered in the helmet, but in reality, the heads are way down low.

They used the Battle Shell version of the figures, which are a bit smaller than the original figures, and that could have played into the problems. If you look closely at the back shell, you can see the hinge. It doesn’t open, since the belt wraps all the way around.

Overall, not a good figure. The parts fall off easily, the figure stands weird, and he just looks off. It is best to save your money for some of the new figures coming up that look to be much better. There is also a big pack that comes with the Turtles in this gear, but it is chrome. It looks to have the same problem with a shiny package.

Post 500! My how things have changed…


6 years and 499 posts ago I started this little page.   It was always meant to be a look at toys.  From reviews to just out taking pictures.   Over the years it has grown and changed a lot.  Here are some of the stats that have blown me away:


Views from 125 different countries.

Top 5 Most Used Tags:

  1. Transformers (168 times)
  2. Hasbro (65 times) though I should have used it more often.
  3. Marvel (Probably most in the recent year or so with so many Legends figures)
  4. Generations (A long span of figures from that Transformers line)
  5. Transformers: Prime (There were a LOT of figures over the course of the show)

Top 5 Most Tagged Figures:

  1. Optimus Prime (Not a surprise, except I thought Bee might be higher)
  2. Bumblebee (Second only by a few posts)
  3. Iron Man (We have had lots of Tony over the years from Legends to MiniMates)
  4. Megatron (I was a bit surprised Megs was so high, but he just keeps coming back)
  5. Wonder Woman (I was surprised she was so high on the list.  Lots of Ame-Comi figures)


Over the course of 6 years, I went from collecting a few things, to collecting a lot.  I had an old shed in my backyard that I converted into a Fortress of Solitude.

Laying the last of the shingles on the new roof.

I was able to make this the place to keep all of my toys.  Safe, protected, and out of the way of my wife.

Since then, I have also upped the ante on camera.  From humble beginnings with a tiny digital camera, to the much better Canon Digital SLR I am running around with now.  I used to throw a camera in a backpack and go, and now I actually have a special backpack to keep the camera safer from harm.

Many of my early posts were pictureless.   It was a time of figuring out what I was doing.   I had the most posts I ever made in my first year 2010, but I also had the smallest amount of visitors.  As I found my way, I also needed to add more pictures, so I sought out Flickr.   I started my Flickr account about a month after I started this blog, and boy are the stats over there huge.  I think it really tells something about pictures being worth a thousand words.   My views over there are 1.3 million views, with 4327 pictures being posted.

The early stuff was not good.  Too dark, and very static.  It was a steep learning curve.   The biggest thing that helped me to get better at pictures was to look at other people’s work.  See what they were doing that I liked, and ask questions.   Now I can take a well lit picture.  So my focus is moving on to getting better dynamic lighting.  I have people I follow that take some of the best photos I have ever seen. They inspire me to be better and do more.

At some point daylight clicked and I took my toys outside to shoot.   Boy did that help.  But of course, then the setting was a bit weird.  Can’t keep taking pictures of Transformers on the deck. Something had to get better, but that was not going to come for a long time.  For some reason I was stuck on the figures, and didn’t focus on the background.

The reality of making better photos came in small steps.  I made a photo booth out of PVC pipes.   I added opaque fabric to allow for diffused light.  I then bought a fold-up photo booth to again boost my photos.

What really hit home was this summer.   I started to play around with backgrounds.  I started to experiment with insulation foam.  From there, I had to up my lighting game.  The results were night and day.   I wasn’t just taking pictures any more, now I was telling stories.

Did you know toys could be posed?  Boy did it take me a long time to come to that realization.   I was always a guy who loved to take the toys out of the packaging.  They are meant to be played with, not kept in the boxes on a shelf.  Well, then I would just stand them there and take pictures.  What better way to talk about their articulation than to actually show them in motion.

It was really a way of thinking that needed to change.  Even to the extent of ” I am going out somewhere?” “Bring a toy, because you never know where you might end up to take pictures.

So, 6 years and 500 posts in, and I feel like I am just getting started.  I have finally found my stride, and I am ready to bring it on!  I have a new big diorama I am working on, to help get away from the alley scene.  I have a few other ideas in mind too.  I have started to carry a blank book around with me to write down my ideas.  Going back over the past 6 years of pictures, I feel like I have done some of my figures a disservice, and I want to make it up to them.

I leave you with a funny stat that surprised me.  4327 pictures, ranging from Marvel to Transformers, from anime to cartoons.  And the photo with the most views, far, far, far beyond second place was this picture of a Monster High doll:

This was some fun I was having while my sister came to live with me.  We bonded over toys and photography.   This picture was taken a year and a half ago and has over 5,800 views as of today.  Something about a lady riding a motorcycle I guess.

Up next, a look at a figure that is no good.   I was glad I only picked up one of the wave.  Don’t need a whole shelf of that garbage.

Until next time my friends.  There are pictures to be taken and stores to be searched.

Elite Speeder Bike with Black Trooper

I was all set to skip any of the 3.75 inch Star Wars figures.  That is, until the Elite Speeder Bike came out.  I have 3 standard Speeder Bikes (one that explodes), 2 Snow Speeder Bikes, a BARC Speeder, and the 6 inch Black Series Speeder Bike and Scout.   I think it is safe to say the Speeder Bike and Scout are pretty high on my list of favorite things from Star Wars.   So, when the opportunity, and a sale at Toys R Us presented itself, I jumped at the chance to get the new Speeder Bike.

First thing out of the box, it seemed to be on the small side.   Well, as I looked at it more, and compared it to the original Speeder Bike, I think it actually fits the riders much better.  More on that in a bit.   It seems as though we are not going to see any Scout Troopers this time around, flying all over creation with their screaming bikes.   I am a little sad about that.  As for the Stormtrooper they put in the box, he looks to be fairly standard, except for one thing.  Thankfully they gave the Trooper some knee movement, or this would have been a complete disaster.   As it is, the Trooper sits up way too straight.  As we got to the end of the line of the original trilogy figures, they were sporting so much articulation, that they could ride their Speeder Bikes slouched over like they do in the movie.   Here, this guy is not articulated enough for a good pose.  At least he can reach his pedals.

You don’t get a button this time around, but this Speeder Bikes comes apart like the original.  There is better detail under the hood this time around, with the actual engine showing.  This will be nice for diorama people, who want to show figures working on their bikes.

Hmmm, what is this ‘+’ here in the back?  Could they be getting ready to come out with a speeder bike that launches from something?  That would seem about right.  The original Speeder Bikes had many different uses over the years with some minor changes.  Another thing to note about back here:  The fins open and close on this one, just like the original, but they are not controlled by the foot pedals any longer.  The pedals do move in and out a bit too.

The newly updated Elite Speeder Bike is a bit shorter in length, height, and overall size. It has a more flared out back end. The structure in the front looks to be a bit stronger with more support moving toward the fins.

Overall, it looks to be very similar, as if it is an actual upgrade to the original Speeder Bike, but a little smaller to be in scale with the 3.75 inch figures. The original speeder bikes have been the same for just about forever, with the riders not being able to reach their feet to the pedals.

There you have it.  It is similar to the original Speeder Bikes, but not the same.   It would have helped a lot to have a Trooper with better articulation to really get him in a good riding position.   Overall, this does not give me a lot of hope for further vehicles or figures in the 3.75 inch scale.   I was really bummed to see the lack of articulation in the Rebels line of toys, and thought it would come back for TFA, but it seems to be holding at very little articulation for now.  We will just have to wait and see what the future brings.

Combiner Wars – Ultra Magnus

Ultra Magnus is one big dude. Even before the giant shoulder posts, he is quite a figure. He has fantastic articulation, stands solid on two very sturdy legs.
Magnus comes with two guns that can combine to form his hammer.

Little Minimus Ambus has about the same transformation as a Headmaster, or a light Legion Class figure. He is a suitable vehicle as well as a robot.

Well, this is a bit of a surprise.  Guess I need to catch up on my comic reading.

This is what Transformers fans have been waiting for. An Ultra Magnus that is all his own. He is not a redeco or remodel of any previous Optimus.

They did such an amazing job over at Hasbro, where they kept the cab of the truck as a part of the whole vehicle, but they worked it in a way so they the cab can swivel under the trailer. So, even though they are attached together, it isn’t like some horribly long truck that would never be able to turn.

Ultra Magnus fits right in with the Deluxe Class figures.  He can carry two on his trailer, bunk-bed style.  His cab is on the small side when compared to Optimus, and it is noticeable since they are similar styled trucks.

The tailgate drops down to allow for the inside car to slide out. Then the top part can fold down to allow the second car to get off. There are plenty of extra ports to allow Magnus to carry gun and hand/feet accessories for the riders.

This just ups the playability by so much. Well designed and executed.

Now you can really get a good look at how big Magnus is.  Optimus doesn’t even come up to his shoulder, and then Magnus has the giant extra shoulder pieces to boot.   He is really big.   He is such a fantastic example of the Leader Class to go along with Megatron and Jetfire.

Stand him up next to a Combiner, and he is still pretty sizable.  It would take qutie a bit for a Combiner to take down this guy.  Good thing they are on the same team.

This is a must-have for any Transformers fan.  He is so good, you will not be disappointed.