Tag Archives: Optimus Prime

Clash of the Transformers – Megatronus and Optimus Prime (Warrior Class)

Megatronus was a figure I did not think we would see here in the US. It seemed like it was going to end up only being released in Asia and Canada. On the packaging that shows another Transformer from the line, none of them said anything about a Warrior Class Megatronus.
Well, either they are going to be coming out very slowly in this small 5 figure line, or one accidentally ended up at my local Toys R Us. Either way, he is a pretty good figure.

In robot mode, he looks like a knight with the face shield and silver paint. He, of course, has the purple that all bad guy leaders should be sporting. He has pretty good movement. It would have been nice to get some wrist movement, but this is about what we are getting with the Robots in Disguise figures.  He has a very sturdy base of two giant legs to stand on. There is good movement in the knees, as well as the hips and waist, that he can get some fairly dynamic poses.

One area that has a bit of a problem is the ball joint under his chest. The balls pop out very easily when he is being positioned.

In vehicle mode, he looks like a tank version of Shockwave. I could see this easily getting a new head sculpt down the line with some new feet, and really making a good Shockwave.
The turret on top rotates. There is not a lot else that he needs to do. He rolls on wheels under the molded in place treads.


Optimus Prime:

If you have seen the first version of the Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime in the Warrior Class, there is nothing new here, but a darker paint scheme. The black sure does make him look like he means business.
In robot mode, he looks like Optimus, and that is about all we can ask for in this figure. He has some good movement in his body. and really compliments Megatronus. He also has the massive legs that allow him to stand very well.

In vehicle mode, he is a really long truck. Good luck turning that thing around the corner. I think it was a bad move to try and incorporate the trailer into the body. We have had a lot of tractors without trailers over the years, but I don’t think making a super long truck with no center movement was the way to go. It also looks terrible from the top, where it looks like Optimus folded up… which I know he is, but he should not be noticeable from the top.

These two play off of each other so well.  This is a great color scheme for Optimus in the Clash of the Transformers sub-line.   Even though they are both in the Warrior Class, they look good facing off.

They are on the small side for playing along with the rest of the Robots in Disguise figures.  Hasbro really needs a slightly larger scale for these to go into, like how they did with Animated, and pretty much every line leading up to this one.

I think Megatronus is the guy to look out for in the Class of the Transformers sub-wave at Toys R Us.  He is a good figure, and he wasn’t in the regular line.  Optimus is the same with a new paint scheme.  If you haven’t gotten the first version, this one is a bit better looking with the dark paint.   Really, with all of the fantastic Combiner Wars figures out there, the Robots in Disguise line really took a back seat for me this time around.  I have more of the line in boxes than are out of the boxes, as opposed to nearly all of the Combiner Wars figures out and displayed.

Clash of the Transformers – Legion Class – Toys R Us Exclusive

There are a few Transformers that are exclusive to Toys R Us in the Robots in Disguise line.   There are the two 2-packs here, as well as three Warrior Class figures, and some one-step and three-step figures.  As I shy away from any of the one-step figures, I will not be looking at them.   I will however be looking at the Legion Class figures today, and the Warrior Class figures coming up.

Clash of the Transformers - Logo

The TRU exclusive figures are listed under the Clash of the Transformers subline of the Robots in Disguise TV series line of action figures.  The figures are recolored versions for Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Underbite. This is the first Megatronus figure we have seen in the RiD line.

I like the colors of Bee.  In vehicle mode we see mostly grey/blue, but get him in robot mode, and we get to see his signature yellow show.  As with most of the Legion Class figures, the articulation is pretty limited.  We get some shoulder movement, and leg/hip movement and that is about it.

This version of Optimus is pretty plain. He is basically white and dark grey with a few splashes of blue and red.  He doesn’t have much in terms of articulation either. Mostly some movement in the shoulders, and that is about it.

Underbite looks pretty close to his original Legion Class version, with a little bit of green added on. More really that much added, but it gives a bit more detail.

Megatronus is probably the best figure in this wave of 4. He has movement in his waist (due to transformation), and he is the only figure to come with a weapon. He does lack the articulation very much the same as Optimus. No knees or elbow joints. It really limits the play.

Underbite Vs Bumblebee  

If Bumbleebee can hold off Underbite’s metal chomping jaws, he can win this Clash!

Bumblebee Wins!

Optimus vs Megatronus

Megatronus brought a gun AND a knife to this fight.  Optimus brought nothing!

Optimus Strike – “Side Kick!!!”


Megatronus falls!!!

Overall, these figures are just what you would expect from the smaller Legion Class figures.  They are rather simplistic and they don’t have the articulation of the larger scale figures.  What they do have is size and cost.  They are small enough for someone to carry in their pocket, or play a big scene with small figures.  They are also cost efficient.  They were $11.99 for the two-pack, at least where I live in California.  The single Legion figures are going for $7.99.  The single pack Legion figures are cheaper on Amazon, but the Exclusives are way more expensive.  It is still better to get them in store.

If you have the other figures in the line, these are nothing new… except for Megatronus. He is a good figure to pick-up for your Legion collection.  If he had come with the grey Bumblebee, I may not have even been interested in picking up both sets.  Underbite is really similar to the regular version, and a white Optimus really doesn’t do much for me, since they are repainting him to be Ultra Magnus, that should be out now, or very soon.  I wish Hasbro would stop sandwiching in an Ultra Magnus every time they make an Optimus.  They are really quite different, and should be treated separately, like they are doing in the Combiner Wars Line.



This is the first photo shoot, using my new background.  I am still working the kinks out of lighting, and I have some ways to go there.   This background is two sided.  This side was intended to be multi-scale.   I can use it with Legion Class, Deluxe Class, or Voyager Class figures.

It can also be used with other brands of toys too.  Marvel Legends, GI Joe, or really anything.  The back side was really the whole reason for making this background in the first place.  It is an alley scape really for Marvel Legends and that scale figures.  I have some prop pieces ready to go on it, and I have just found a few of the Rhino Series figures to get started on that photo shoot soon.

Coming up, I have a fun story to tell using Marvel Legends figures I carried in a backpack for over an hour through the rough forest, just looking for a place to shoot.   When I saw it, the whole store came around.   It should be fun.

Transformers: Generations – Combiner Wars – Megatron and Armada Megatron

These new Leader Class figures are big… and expensive.  Are they worth the cost?  Let’s take a look at the first pair.  Megatron and Armada Megatron are basically the same figure with a different head and a different paint scheme.  They are basically identical.   Is it worth picking them both up?  Well, yes and no.   Here is the rundown:

The color alone really sets the two apart.  Megatron looks so much like his G1 counterpart.  Even his legs look like they could be triggers or handles to a big gun.  Armada Megatron has a whole lot of purple added in, and other than with G1 Megatron, really says they are a Decepticon.

If the big difference between the two is going to be in the face, then it sure is a good thing they nailed the face.  It is about as perfect as you would want.  There is not a lot of emotion there, but you can tell it is not a boring robot face with no movement.

Of course Armada Megatron has to have the beetle head.  He has such great details with so many colors in his face and head.  He has an awesome scowl.

There is definitely a backpack going on back there.  You can’t get away from the giant working treads, so you have to put them somewhere.  They fold back and then slide down on those red arms.  It is quite a smooth and amazing part of the transformation.

Megatron looks like an unpainted version of the other tank that just rolled off the factory floor.  With Megatron, there is a cleanliness to the nearly all silver theme.  The juxtaposition is Armada Megatron with the green paint and the grey details all over.  There is still a lot of purple showing in A. Megatron to show who he is.

And to confirm, yes.  Real rubber treads that really work.  There are four separate treads.  Two on the front and two on the back.  They roll really easily.

Holy Shmoly!  There is a BIG size difference between the Voyager Class and Leader Class.  Megatron is half again as tall as Optimus.  That does not bode well for our Autobot leader.

And just when you thought, “That’s okay.  This is the Combiner Wars.  Surely Superion can take on Megatron.”  Well take a look at that.  Superion is only about a head taller than Megatron.   That is not nearly enough size, especially when you are talking about all of those Autobot brains having to control one robot body.   Where is Ultra Magnus when you need him?

“Go ahead Superion. Say that again!”

With Megatron, there is a set of stickers in with his art card.  There are two Autobot and two Decepticon emblems, a grate, and some art for his chest.   I guess I will have to hurry up and read the Combiner Wars story to see what stickers I may want to put on him.  Don’t worry.  Megatron comes with regular Decepticon tamops on his body to begin with, so you don’t have to put on stickers if you don’t want to.

The directions show transforming Armada Megatron the same way as Megatron.  The art work at the end of the transformation shows Armada Megatron with his treads separated and slightly elevated.  That really gives AM a different look.

Overall, I only found Armada Megatron at first.   I knew I needed at least one of these guys.  Much later I found the silver version, and I just had to have him.  He is so clean and great looking.   Do you need both?  Probably not.  If I were to choose, I would definitely go with the Silver version over the Armada version.  I do like them both a lot, and they look different enough that I am not disappointed to have both.   I will probably display Armada Megatron in vehicle mode since that is just as well made as the robot mode.   Megatron will remain in robot mode as the best resemblance to G1 Megatron EVER!

Transformers: Generations – Combiner Wars – Optimus Prime (Ultra Prime)

Optimus looks great in the Combiner Wars design.  He is big as a Voyager Class figure.  He looks very G1 with a bit of a modern twist to him.

He has a bit of a backpack on his back.  It isn’t too bad.  We have to hide the giant Ultra Prime head somewhere.   Luckily this is the only part of Optimus that lets you know that he is a triple changer of sorts, to become the main torso of Ultra Prime.

He comes with two guns.  One is luckily very reminiscent of his G1 gun with the big stock on the back.  The other is a bit of a smaller version.  The two can combine end to end to make a long rifle.  They both also have ports on the top.  I am guessing we have a few more options for combination with other guns when he becomes Ultra Prime.

He is a really good looking truck.  His transformation is pretty fun to do.  There are some fun little flips and folds.  He has a bit of the cab over look of the original.   I guess they wanted to get away from the long nose movie and Prime versions that we have had over the past few years.  Go Generations, and go back in design.  I like it.

The two guns can attach in ports on the truck’s back end.  They sit together and look like an engine with really long exhaust coming out the back.

Ultra Prime.  It is hard to see what he will look like as a finished giant figure, but this is a start.  His arms fold up to become larger shoulders.  His legs are the upper thigh of longer legs.  and he is reversed in direction so his back opens up to reveal his giant head and the backpack stays open.

So, now I have a mere two parts to build Ultra Prime.  I am not too happy with the slow rollout, or lack of rollout of the Combiner Wars figures.  I will be really bummed if I will only ever have two of the figures to build one of these big guys.  I am holding out hope that it is just a matter of time.  I have seen them online, but as I love the hobby of toy collecting as much for the chase as for the toys, I will NOT be buying any of these guys for scalper prices.

I am really happy with the overall design of Optimus Prime, and Alpha Bravo (last post).  They both look really good in their standard versions, unlike the not so well done Power Core Combiners that had blue boxes hanging off their bodies all over the place.  I am definitely looking forward to getting my hands on more of these guys.  I wanna build a big guy!

Alpha Bravo – Combiner Wars (Generations)

Can we get a little more confusing here with toy lines.  Not only do we have 4 Transformers lines going right now, but with the Combiner Wars line, it is a part of the Generations line.  Add in that some of the characters can combine in different ways.  Take Alpha Bravo here.  He can combine with Silver Bolt and become the leg of Superion.  Or, he can team up with Optimus Prime, and become the arm of Ultra Prime.

I was shopping for something on Amazon and saw this guy, and figured, since I haven’t seen them in the wild yet, I would take a chance and grab one to see if the line was going to be any good.  Well, I have him, I like him, and I am really hoping more will be coming into the stores soon.

AB comes with two guns.  One is his own gun that is just his size.  The other is what will ultimately become the hand of Ultra Prime.  I like that it is something that AB can actually use, and is not just some extra piece that sits around waiting to be used on a bigger guy.

The head.  What a great sculpt.  He has that classic G1 boxy head look that looks fantastic.

One issue I was waiting to have was with his articulation.  Generally, when you take a figure and try to make it a triple changer, there is something that gets messed up.   Especially when they are to become a part of a larger figure.  Not this time.  AB has amazing articulation, and looks like his own figure.  He doesn’t look like he is waiting to become something more.

n helicopter mode, he has a really sleek design. It looks like his front end was inspired by the Space Shuttle.

I love the back story of Alpha Bravo. He wanted to become an Aerial Bot so bad, but he was just a helicopter, while the other members were all jets. He was much slower to get to places. I think this design really shows how he can be much faster.

As a part of Superion, he will make up a leg.   But when he is with Optimus Prime, he will combine to become an arm of Ultra Prime.

Here AB is as Ultra Prime’s arm.  The hand is really cool looking, with the thumb moving independently.  The other four fingers all move together.  AB’s gun can fit in a hole in the top of the hand.

His attachment point is very similar looking to the terrible blue connectors from the Power Core Combiners.  Two things make this much better.  One is that the connectors are much bigger and stronger.  Two is that they don’t have to be pressed into place, but rather side into place, making them stay in place.

Well, there you have it.   Alpha Bravo exceeded my expectations as a figure with many transformations.   I am looking forward to finding the rest.  It would probably be no surprise to know that I will be looking at Optimus Prime next.  As a super fan of the big guy, you know I will be taking a very close look at him.  And all I see are good things.  Until next time…