Tag Archives: Blizzard Strike Drift

Blizzard Strike Drift – Transformers: Robots in Disguise – Warrior Class

I am not a big fan of doing a redeco on an already established character. I can see slapping a new head on there and calling it a new character, but a simple repaint is not great. This time however, was well accomplished. Blizzard Strike Drift is pretty sharp in his two-toned blue paint scheme.

In robot mode he is a good mix of the blues with some silver added in for good measure. He comes with his two swords that can be held on his waist (still one of my favorite features of all of the RiD figures).  He was already a good figure in the original orange release, so there wasn’t anything that I had heard about that would give people troubles in subsequent releases.

Once we get into vehicle mode, things get better. There are a lot of times where these vehicles has molded color plastic, and some paint, and they try to match the body panels, and it is terrible. That did not happen with Drift. The colors are fantastic. One of the best features is the clear wheels he is sporting. I don’t like the general deviation from standard black tires, but in this case, it really works on this car.

The red of his horns in robot mode transfer to the hood ornament and headlights to give a little extra touch there at the front. The body panels of the overall design were fantastic the first time around. He looks like he could easily be a car on the street right now.

He came out in the wave with Quillfire and Thunderhoof. He will not have any trouble keeping ahead of those two. They are not going anywhere fast with vehicle modes like that.

I am really happy overall with this figure. I grabbed him because he was on the peg, and I figured I would give it a shot. And boy did he pay off. What a nice vehicle.