Decepticon Fangry – Transformers: Generations – Titans Return – Titan Master

Today, we are going to take a look at Fangry. First the backstory. Fangry was the name of the Headmaster robot from 1988. The actual Headmaster Driver was named Brisko. So, this is kind of Brisko with a vehicle accessory that allows him to turn into the wolf-bat thing that the larger robot turned into. With me so far? Well, the body of this new Fangry is modeled after Brisko. The head he transforms into is modeled after the head that Bisko transforms into. So basically, this is Brisko with Fangry’s name… or something like that.

We get a pink and black robot in his robot mode. The Decepticons are not against taking on pinks and purples, and making them their own. The color scheme matches that of Fangry (1988) with a pink torso and legs, and black arms and head. The only difference is pink upper legs rather than black. He has a pretty menacing looking face, you know, for being a tiny, tiny robot.

His first mode is the wolf-bat. In the 1988 version, he had tiny little wings that stuck out funny. This time everything is a whole lot more proportional. You know this is no normal bat. It has arms for one thing. You can see Fangry right there front and center as the chest.

The second mode is the dragon. They want to get full use of the wings, so his alternate mode is another beast. This one works okay too. The tail is a bit stunted, and there is a strange post sticking out of the chest, but that is about all. Fangry gets to ride the dragon like a scooter. You know you wish you could ride a dragon too.

Third up is the weapon mode. It looks like the wolf-bat all folded up. The feet have blasters in the soles, and the dragon’s tail is the third blaster. That funny post sticking out of the dragon’s chest becomes the gun’s handle.

Finally we get to the Titan Master head. A great nod to Fangry’s G1 head with the green face surrounded by the black edging. The green is so neon and crazy that it just works with him. The visor he has is just so incredibly thick.

This is another fun figure to add to the growing Titan Master lineup. Another Decepticon in the ranks. Next up, we will swing back the Autobot’s way for another flyer.


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