Bebop and Rocksteady – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Finally we get around to these two.   Not to say that the other mutated bad guys from the current show aren’t good, or in Tiger Claw’s case, great.  But these two NEEDED to show up.   I think the design of the figures does them justice.  Now they just need to show up on TV.  If you follow the show, you know the Turtles have been stuck out in the woods for this part of the current season.  It has been a weird part of the series.  I hope they go back to New York soon.  And when they get there, I hope these two are waiting.

These two could not be more different from one another, and that is why they will work so well together.

Hammer and Sickle are Rocksteady’s weapons this time around.   He is about what we get from the TMNT bad guys.  Swivels at the neck, shoulders, wrists, waist, and hips.   He does not move all that much.  It would have been great to see a little more from him.  He has some good details on him, from the wrinkly skin of the rhino, to a pretty intricate outfit including a separate piece that makes up the shield attached to his chest with criss-crossing belts.

A punk in leather is a pretty good design choice for Bebop.  He has almost as much articulation as the Turtles, which we never get in a bad guy.  He includes neck swivel, ball joints in the shoulders, a cut joint in the waist, ball joints at the hips, and even knee joints.  He also comes with a wheel on his back, and one on each heel.  They call if “Wall rolling action” on the box.  Guess we will have to wait and see what that all means when he gets on the show.  He comes with two bombs.  One is flat and can fit in his weirdly formed hand.  The other is egg shaped, so he cannot hold it.

In all, these two do a good job of recreating the original bad guys.  We will have to wait and see if they sound like idiots again, or if they may actually be a match for the Turtles.  Time will tell…

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