Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters – Prowl

Happy New Year!


I am going to kick off the new year, saying good bye.  It has been a lot of fun collecting Transformers over the run of the Prime TV show.   We have had great figures, okay figures, and a few duds, but that is to be expected.  From the beginning, I liked the show, and it make collecting the toys all the sweeter.   As we can to an end for the show, the writing was on the wall, that the toy line would end too.   We will probably see the figures hang out for a little while longer.

I think they did a pretty good job bringing in most of the important characters.  I would really like to have seen a few of the Japanese released Takara figures brought over here for a much more reasonable price.  A few army builders like the Air Vehicons would have probably made a lot of money.  Besides, it would have been better to see a bunch of standard Vehicons rather than a box full of Bumblebees.  Sure, the kids want the Bees, but what are you going to do with the extras?  If there were extras of figures that there are multiples of in the show, collectors would scoop up those leftovers… especially as we are getting to the end of the line, and the figures will become more scarce in the stores.

On to the final review for Prime.  Prowl.

A classic figure from the G1 show, I was really happy to hear we would be getting a new Prowl in the Prime style.

He is a redeco of Smokescreen.  A new paint job, a new head, and police lights, and we have quite a nice Prowl.   He looks fast, he looks mean, and he does not look like a direct copy of Smokescreen.

Standing side by side, they don’t look the same.  They look like they are related in some way, but with the color changes in really good places, they look quite different from one another.  Prowl comes with the same gun that Smokescreen came with, except without all of the Beast Hunters garbage that didn’t look very good.

In his vehicle mode, he looks like one fast police car.  Bad news though.  All you have to do is go over a speed bump, and you have evaded the police.  That is one low car.

He fits in just fine with the other Autobot speedsters.   A good group of fast cars.

And with that, we say goodbye.   Not to Transformers, but to the Prime line.  I could be surprised and have something else sneak up on me, but I won’t hold my breath.  We have more Generations stuff coming down the line, and we will be making our way to Transformers 4.  Dinobots anyone?  That should be fun to look forward to here in the far future.


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