Decepticon Revolver and Six Shot – Transformers: Generation – Titans Return – Leader Class

I went to the Target near work, where I tend to go every Thursday. It is not close to home, so I frequent there once a week after work. Generally, they do not have anything terribly good. Most of the time the Marvel Legends aisle is warming some pegs with old waves of figures. The Star Wars 6 inch figures are generally a bunch of Rogue One figures we all already have. And on the Transformers aisle, I would be surprised if I could find Robots in Disguise one-step changers, which I have zero interest in collecting.

To my amazement, they had some of the older Titan Master single packs. And then I saw him on the bottom shelf. In all of his giant glory was Six Shot. I knew he was coming, but the bright teal and purple was a sight to behold. I was half excited. I knew he was a needed figure for the collection, but at the same time, I was a little apprehensive about a six-changer, or a sextuple-changer. Generally the triple changers do not do terribly well. You get one mode that is good, and a few modes that are so-so. So, what comes of a guy that is made up of one robot, one wolf, and four vehicles?

First off, robot mode. This is Six Shot. 1987 could stand with 2017 and feel like they were looking in an updated mirror. It is clear that Hasbro went to great lengths to make this Six Shot reflect the Six Shot from 30 years ago, and not in an homage kind of way. They went to a lot of work to recreate the original with so much attention to detail.

He has a different head than his G1 counterpart, but that is to be expected. This version is a Titan Master, so Revolver is hiding under that helmet. This is one of the more fun Titan Master helmets with the big Leader Class figures. With the others, they have a full helmet that folds out of the way to allow the Titan Master to be removed. In Six Shot’s case, the top of the helmet folds back and allows Revolver to be removed straight out of the top, like removing a brain. This makes for a more solid looking larger scale head, which hasn’t always worked so effectively with the other Leader Class figures.

As you circle Six Shot, you can start to see all of the different parts hanging off, around his body. There are wheels, treads, wings, nose cones, claws, a head, a couple of different cockpits, the list goes on.

Revolver, the Titan Master looks like a little ninja of his own. He is modeled after Jack, a Headmaster from the show of the same name, who was actually killed by Six Shot. That is some interesting irony, that those two would be teamed up.

Now, onto the modes. We are following the directions in a linear transformation. Each of the directions builds off of the last mode, finishing back with the robot.

First up is the tank mode. The treads are rotated around, and the legs form the cannons of the tank. There are four cannons on the legs that are black, and Six Shot’s 2 hand cannons become additional cannons for this mode. It is a stubby little vehicle, but it is well armored. There are a few parts that are a bit out of place, like the wings on the top, and the wheels hanging off the front end. I like this mode. I would have liked to see the turret actually rotate, but that is a lot to ask from a pair of legs. They already have a LOT of engineering for all of the jobs they have to do.

The next transformation is into the jet. It looks very similar to the space ship that Astrotrain and Sentinel Prime turn into. I like seeing the design cues carrying through the series.

He is quite big as the jet, with his hand blasters becoming the main weapons for the ship. One problem with this mode is the back part, where the arms hang off the back. They do not peg into place in this mode, so they flop around a bit.

Next up is the car mode. This is quite the armored vehicle. Very different from the tank we saw before, this vehicle is longer and looks like it has a front end capable of crashing through any wall.

This time around, Revolver gets to sit in an open-top cockpit. And look at that, he gets a shotgun seat for a sidekick. We sure do have enough Titan Master running around now.

The 5th mode is the beast mode. Back in the day, the wings were folded in, but in this version, Six Shot lets his wild side out, and the wings are wide and free. A flying giant wolf. Nope, no Autobots will have nightmares about that one.

The wolf has a moving front jaw. The head cannot move further down that straight out. There is a giant hole in the back of his head that a folded up Revolver drops into. It is a great touch to allow Revolver to control the wolf in the head too. There is some good articulation from the legs, with the back legs moving forward and back. There is more movement up front. The two blasters become a tail when attached together.

The final mode is a “submarine“. Back in the day (1987), there were not so many worries about kids getting shot for running around with weapons. Toy manufacturers have to be way more careful about that today. Hasbro is a bit more gunshy than they were back in the 80s, and with good reason. For that reason, Six Shot lost his gun mode, and gained a submarine mode. Really though, it is the gun, looking really close to the G1 version, but flipped upside down. So really you do get the gun mode, it is just not built that way in the directions. Then Hasbro cannot be blamed for a kid running around pretending to shoot people with a giant teal/purple/black gun.

Another quick change and Six Shot is back to his robot self. Overall I am really impressed with this setup. I was not sure they were going to be able to pull off a sextuple-changer, but he works really well. There are not obvious extras that detract from each of the modes. There are some parts that don’t belong, like the wheels in nearly every mode, but that is part of the charm of his many transformations. He is definitely a good addition to the Leader Class. He does have capabilities to attach to the other base modes, though he does not have a base mode of his own. The directions show the tank joining up. I will have to go back and see how easy or difficult that is to do.

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